Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Uploading Photos to Picasa

Lylene & I have a copy machine at our office that we have had for years however as with most electronic items you only use a small portion of the functionality of the machine. This copy machine is no different. I just yesterday discovered that we could automatically scan photos with it that would then automatically be uploaded to Picaca. To really understand the magnanimity of this discovery you have to understand that Lylene & I have been married for 43 years & have taken 1000's of photos all of which we had the best of intentions of labeling & putting in the proper photo album. Well, I hope that you are better than we are at it because if you are not, then you too have countless packages of developed film that you have probably looked at once & then put aside thinking that you'll deal with it another day - another day that probably will never come. There in lies the importance of my discovery to upload these photos. In no time at all I have uploaded 867 photos of prior trips.

I then discovered that Picasa allows you to automatically create a Blog to which you can post them. Now I know I'm beginning to sound like a sales person for Picasa but truly I am not. I'm just a technologically challenged 65 year old that has discovered something that will make my life much easier. So what we have decided to do is to use Picasa, Blogger & the capability of our copy machine to manage our photos & to publish a few for the world to see.

So in the future as we load up our photos, we'll add a blog post as well to let the world know what it is that we are doing. Not that the world would care mind you but it's kind of fun for a couple of old geesers whose memories may not be as good as they used to be. I'm speaking here of Lylene of course.

Anyway, these 3 photos were taken while we were on a trip to Honduras. We vacationed at Anthony's Key Resort on the Island of Roatan and then later went to the Mayan Ruins of Copan.